Thursday, February 15, 2007

Playtime after a Day of Work

Since I was still in the hospital with Ayinde, today Zion spent part of the day working with Daddy delivering roses. In my opinion, this teaches him so much more than any of the “seat work” he does on a daily basis. He is learning that Daddy will do what is necessary to make extra money for the family. He is learning the value of hard work. He is learning how to be enterprising and conduct business because I know he is recording all of Daddy’s conversations in that Memorex brain of his. And the best part for Zion is pay day. Right now Zion has more money than I do. He’s been saving his birthday money and pay from his “part-time” jobs with Daddy and I think he’s over $100.00. He’s also learning how to budget. About a week ago Zion told me he needed a new toothbrush. I told him to use some of his money and purchase one. He took a second look at his toothbrush and said, “Nevermind. I think it’s okay.” I’ll bet you do. After a long day at work, Dad and Zion came back to the hospital to spend the rest of the evening with family. Their presence made Ayinde feel lessed stressed about being away from home.

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